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Ekos Srl  is a Biella based company with a leading experience in waste water treatment solution for the industrial field. Thanks to the know how acquired over the years, the company is able to meet with a wide range of plants or through the design and implementation of complete “turnkey” plants,  many different needs and to ensure that the discharged cleaned water fully meets the parameters established by law as well as a full recovery of the permeate discharge.

Feed water

Metals removal

Coarse solids removal

Rainwater treatments


Filtering plants

Primary treatments

Sand filters

Primary settlers

Coarse solid removal by

rotary drum fine screens

from 0,25 up to 25 mm,

Static plain screens from 0,25 up to 25 mm

Tertiary treatments

Flotation units

Chemical conditioning plants

Active-coal based filtering treatment plants

Membrane filtering plants

Sludge dehydration plants

Main treatments

Biological plants

Secondary sedimentation

MBR based filtering

Keep it simple

Keep it Ekos

How to contact us





Ekos Srl

Trattamenti acque reflue industriali

Consulenza e assistenza sui depuratori

Impianti di depurazione acque reflue industriali

Industrial WWT  solutions

Assistance e consultancy for WWT plants

Industrial WWT plants manufacturing

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